Check out our 2024 event calendar here!

Specialty News!

The premium list is out for our Bearded Collie Club of Maine Specialty and Supported Entry at the Ladies’ Dog Club shows in Wrentham, MA. Dates are June 1 (Specialty) and June 2 (Supported Entry). Come enjoy our Saturday breeder judges, our traditional buffet lunch for exhibitors, goodies, camaraderie, and Beardies!

Regular Classes: Mary Murphy-East (Marjac)
Sweeps: Diane Banks (Liberty)
Sunday: Sulie Greendale-Paveza

MB-F is the super. Closing date is May 15. It’ll be here before you know it! Here’s the premium:

Bounce & BBQ News!

Our annual Bounce & BBQ is scheduled for Saturday, July 13. A short while ago, we rasied a question on the BeardieMainiacs email list: Do you want to keep the July date, move it to August, or have two Bounces this year? We received 2 responses, but would like to know what everybody thinks! Let us know.